Individual Research Contributions to Group Project

Individual Research on Microsoft Hololens 2

28 Feb 2025

1. Found out that the Hololens 2 uses Bidirectional Interlaced Scanning which displays every other line in each frame instead of non-interlaced scanning which displays all the lines on every refresh frame. (Read through consumers' reviews)

2. Researching more on the Hololens 2 specifications in which it uses 120 Hz interlaced which is equivalent to about 60 Hz non-interlaced. (Used DeepSeek to search for potential issues)

3. Found out the importance of non-interlaced video sources as conceptually the human vision takes snapshots of images. With interlaced videos, there will be times where the human vision puts interlaced images wrongly or even misses a certain line. (Found on the intel website on how interlaced videos work)

4. Came to a conclusion that it is a safety hazard in the field of engineering where any mistakes can cause serious implications 

5. Came up with the ideal that the Hololens 2 is lacking behind technologically in its display system.

6. Found that other competitors like the Apple Vision Pro uses 100 Hz. A solution could be to find out what apple vision pro uses and implement something similar to them. 

7. Discovered that refresh rates can be improved by upgrading its processing system, i.e, gpu and cpu.

04 March 2025

1. Revised the problem statement with my group mates after discovering that there were more issues with the Hololens 2. (Read through consumers' reviews)



  1. Thanks, YiZhe. I appreciate the precise deacriptions here. But one key point is that I would like to know how you did your research.


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